DAL Luncheon

Get excited for more awkward business situations! Today was the monthly Dallas Ad League luncheon. My boss, Sean, is the President of the DAL, so I’m sorta obligated to go and represent Lead Maverick. This is where I have to really suck it up and face the awkwardness of bluntly walking up to people, possibly (most likely) interrupting their conversations and try to not make a fool of myself while trying to convince these people (who are usually at least 10-30 years older than me) to continue to listen to my schpeel about our new company/product/tool.

However, today wasn’t as bad as usual. I met several nice people and I even got us a lead! Yippee!! Do I see a raise in the near future? eh eh??  One of the people I met was a lady, Christi, who has been working for the Dallas Morning News for NINETEEN years!! I wish I could have seen how big my eyes got in response to that one. I think that was her first job and she just stuck with it, because she did not look over 36! 

Whenever it was time to advance into the banquet room, Christi and I sat with other Dallas Morning News employees as well as 2 people from the Dallas Voice. It took me the entire luncheon to realize that the Dallas Voice was not a radio station, but a Dallas community newspaper for the Gay and Lesbians. Good thing I didn’t make and radio jokes.

Here comes the awkwardness… You know how you always feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t know the appropriate table manners for formal situations? Well guess what, most of the people at the table are in the same boat!  Once our food came NO ONE at our table moved an inch. We all just sat there bugg-eyed, waiting for someone to make the first move… and acted like we were hungry or something. I was pretty sure you’re supposed to take the napkin out of the cup to your right. Yes- I see the lady on the other side of the table make the first move! She took the napkin to her right! So the guy next to me finally just blurts out, “Crap! I never know which side to take the napkin from?? What should we do?! LEFT?!! RIGHT??” Immediately, I point (probably bad manners-woops!) at the lady across the table as if tattling on her and explain that she grabbed to her right so we should follow. Soon after, lunch was a smooth ride…despite the fact that our dessert was flan. Sick.

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