Pregnancy: Week 26

26 weeks pregnant

HOW FAR ALONG? 26 weeks…. only 14 ish weeks left.

SIZE OF OUR SWEET BABY? The size of an English Cucumber  (about 14 inches head to heal, and about 2 lbs).

MATERNITY CLOTHES?  Yep. My mom treated me to some new maternity PJs recently, which is nice (and needed). I’m on the look out for some comfy work out clothes, as well.


SLEEP?  The wedge pillow has been very nice. I still (slowly) toss and turn, combined with night sweats (lovely, I know). Also had more vivid dreams the past couple weeks.

FOOD CRAVINGS? Asian food, iced coffee, and sweets. Oh, the sweet cravings are strong lately… not good.

WHAT I MISS?  Wearing normal shoes. Since my feet are swollen I’m mostly stuck with flip flops.  Also,  I miss walking from my car to the grocery store without getting winded (hey, it’s also 127 degrees here). It seems like that’s even harder than a work out for some reason?

SYMPTOMS? Achey and swollen feet. Super strong & fast growing finger nails. Less oily skin (which I’ve enjoyed). I used to wash my hair almost daily, now I could go almost 4 days y’all (though, I try not to)!

BELLY BUTTON? SO stretched out. It’s as flat as can be with a tiny part that’s starting to pop out. Also starting to get that linea negra (weird tan vertical line below my belly button).


1. My first baby shower was this weekend. 3 Lovely women from my church Home Group hosted and did a wonderful job. My mom and aunt came up from the Houston area, which was a nice treat. It was a crazy busy-fast-paced weekend, but so much fun. It was such a great turn out and so nice to see so many of my friends/family all at once! Not to mention, all the amazing gifts little Brady now has! I’m so incredibly grateful.

2. Making huge progress in the nursery this weekend. Brian finished painting (after a few dramatic moments of trying to get the paint perfect), all the furniture we have has been assembled, I ironed/hemmed the curtains, and put away all the goodies we got this weekend. Now we just need to roll out the rug, hang stuff on the walls, assemble the glider (when it arrives), and have the bedding made. I’m so grateful Brian has let me decorate and have fun with the nursery the way I want and I’m also grateful for his hard work and help along the way.

3. Last Monday we started our 5-week series of Lamaze classes. It was a small/intimate class with a great instructor (who’s a Doula). It was very informative, and Brian even enjoyed it. I’m excited to see what else we learn…. One funny moment was when the teacher asked Brian a question in front of the class. She asked “Brian, what’s the easiest way for me to get the die/marble out of this water bottle?” He thought about it for a moment and then proudly responded “Well, I’d just cut the bottle open…” the room filled with laughter and one of the other pregnant women asked, “Umm… were you planning on getting a c-section?” haha.. then he admitted he thought it was a trick question of some sort. It was a great way to kick off the class.

4. We recently received some adorable camo baby leg warmers that I just can’t wait to use. Brian was asking me where the “baby leg socks” were the other day. I love the literal names he creates for baby gear. Looking forward to more funny gear names in the future…

5. Last week we decided to walk to our church home group that meets at a friend’s house a couple blocks away. I threw on my running shoes (with my dress from work and purse), which made me look like a middle aged “mall walker” that was preggers. What made it funnier was that Brian was carrying a large grocery sack filled with snacks and a giant (Sam’s size) bag of tortilla chips popping out of the top. (It was our week to bring snacks to home group.)  I commented on how funny my outfit looked and he replied, “Yea, it also looks like I might need to stop and feed you with all this food too.”



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