Pregnancy: 22 Weeks

22 weeks pregnancy book page


HOW FAR ALONG?  22 weeks…. only 18 ish weeks left.

SIZE OF OUR SWEET BABY? The size of a SPAGHETTI SQUASH head to rump (11 inches; 1 lb.)

MATERNITY CLOTHES?  Yep. Except for in the above photo…one of about 3 “normal” dresses that still fit.


SLEEP?  A friend lent me a big wedge pillow, thankfully. I use it to pile on more pillows and prop up for the majority of the night. It probably helps prevent heart burn too?

FOOD CRAVINGS? Nothing too strong this week… Probably splurging on more dessert than “necessary”.

WHAT I MISS? Being able to bend over and pick up stuff easily or reach my feet easily. It’s still possible, just a bit more interesting.

SYMPTOMS? Swollen feet for SURE.

BELLY BUTTON?  It’s still an “inny” but it’s stretching and getting bigger.


1. Feeling little Brady move around. It’s so neat and also reassuring.

2. Some friends have given us a nice changing table, and an (awesome!) elephant lamp, and a few other small goodies for the nursery. It makes me smile when I pass by and see them. We haven’t started decorated the nursery so, it’s all just piled in the guest bedroom for now, but it makes me so excited.

3. Brian’s mom gave us a bag of “goodies” from Brian’s baby/child hood. There were some adorable preppy little baby jumpers and baby shoes, a baby book with some neat memories documented, etc… but the BEST was THIS photo of Brian and his ONE giant tooth. I literally laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe and was crying. Apparently the dentist pulled one tooth and it took several years to grow back. HAH…. a little glimpse into our future…

Brian with one tooth

And here’s an adorable old baby Cowboys sweatshirt Brian will probably dress little Brady in every day he possibly can.

Brian and baby cowboys sweat shirt


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