Funny stats & cake

If you’re a fellow blogger, you know you’ve been there…. spent hours looking at your blog analytics/stats. Well I haven’t so much been spent hours upon hours researching, but I spent the past couple of minutes venturing through them and I noticed a strange “search term” that lead someone to one of my blog pages.

girls filled cake

That was the term that landed someone on my blog. My immediate reaction: “What tha-?!” So i did a little research…. Whomever searched for “girls filled cake” was probably very frustrated when arriving at my blog page. The post involved my immature humor referencing a movie quote from Mean Girls. Hahaha… Here’s the blog entry they landed on:
and here’s the quote that lead the them there….

Crying Girl: [reading from paper] I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school… I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy…

What would we do without website/blog analytics? It’s amazing what people search for… I’ve learned this a lot in (the consulting side of) my profession, too.

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  1. chris says:

    Wow…you got #1 with “girls filled cake”??? WITHOUT Lead Maverick??? What a worthless company we work for.

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