Brady: 22 Months


You turned 22 months old at the end of August 2014. It was a HOT month here in Dallas. Your independence is really shining lately. You like to buckle your high chair straps after every meal (or just anytime/all the time). You also like to buckle George’s collar and attempt to put it on him.  You are so strong you can move your entire crib by yourself. You are still very much in love with your giraffe woobie and Texas Rangers pacifier(s).  Dad and I went to Galveston for a few days for a work trip and you had a blast staying at Rara’s house.  A couple weeks later you stayed the night at Grandpa Clif and Grandma Paula’s house for the firs time while we celebrated my 29th  birthday with a nice little stay-cation here in Dallas.

You’re still very vocal, but still speak mostly your own language. Every now and then you just let out a random squeal/scream to test your voice- hah..  Whenever you say/yell George’s name it comes out as “Jaahhh!” There’s another “word” you say quite often. It sounds like a very nasally “seigghh” as a statement most of the time. We aren’t sure what you mean, but it’s cute!  We took you on your first bike ride! I got  new bike and Dad installed a seat for you on it so now we can ride it to the lake a couple times a week. You love wearing your yellow helmet and stopping to feed the ducks/geese.  We also visit the gym a couple times a week and you enjoy the childcare. I’m sad Mr. Charles isn’t working there anymore, but you like to play basketball or push the police car cozy coupe around.  After meals you still place your cup and plate on the big table to signal that you are in fact finished.  You love raisins and (applesauce) squeeze packs, which you eat daily.

Dad was home for two weeks in the middle of August and then left again to start a new job position on the rig, which is hopefully safer.  We met your teachers at your Mother’s Day Out school and enjoyed a nice big (delicious) ice cream cone from an ice cream truck that was there. You ate the whole thing and wanted more!   Lately you’ve been throwing all out tantrums – body on the floor, screaming, pouting with a dramatic (fake) cry. We’re inching towards the terrible two’s… but thankfully that’s not every moment!

You had your worst head injury so far. It swelled and turned horrible colors quicker than ever. It was the most scared I’ve been as a mother so far. Thankfully you’re ok, but you hit the same spot not even a week later, so it’s taken several weeks to heal. See it in the photo above?? I’ve decided you should just wear your bike helmet at all times.  My favorite thing you do lately is take my hand and guide me places – especially if you want me to play with you.  Or you’ll pat the ground next to you where you want me to sit and play with you. Too cute!   You are beginning to figure out door knobs. Could you please delay that a bit so I don’t have to deal with those annoying child proof door knobs?  I gave you another hair cut the last day of August. It seems like I cut your hair every 4-6 weeks!  You watercolored for the first time. It reminded me how beautiful water coloring is. Your great grandma, “Gammy”, is a talented water color artist. You tried to drink the colorful water a few times. I hope you enjoy exploring various forms of art as you grow older.

We love you so much, buddy. You are such a light in our lives!

PS: This is probably the least amount of photos I’ve taken of you in a month. Also, I was practicing the “whaley doo” hair style for if we ever have a little girl. 😉

Video of Brady Learning to Watercolor:

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#BradyShep on Instagram in August:storyboard027 storyboard028 storyboard029 storyboard030 storyboard031 storyboard032

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