Myvu Video Eyewear – Apple video iPod accessories

I receive email updates from Apple a couple times of week. I usually skim it quickly and delete….but not today. I did my quick skim and did a double-take with the mouse scrolling action while my eyes simultaneously got huge! I saw these and just HAD to learn more:

This neat contraption, brought to you by Myvu, is made to wear over your eyes to view videos on your video iPod w/ built-in ear buds all for $200!! Soooo cool!!! Too bad I don’t travel long distances that often any more! I liked this guy’s review:

I LOVE these things!!! The video quality is GREAT, and the audio is even better! The impression you get is that you are sitting in a darkened room watching a decent size TV with a really good sound system! I bought them to use for travel, but find myself using them anytime I want to watch a movie on my Nano and don’t want to hook it up to my big TV, especially if I want to watch a movie in bed but dont want to disturb my finance. I watch lots of movies on my Nano and highley recomend these if you do to. You WONT be sorry!!!!

WOW!!! These are GREAT!!!!!
Written by TH
March 30, 2008

I mean, who wouldn’t want to wear these?

video eyewear

Why are they so fashionable you ask? Well, maybe you’ll suddenly feel the urge to watch a video while cruising the busy streets of NY?!! Seriously, why are they so sleek looking? Can’t they all just be black? I would feel even weirder pulling out the “high-fashion” Myvu video eyewear on a plane than I would pulling out the traditional black “frames”. It’s not like you can actually see through the crazy colored lenses. Pretty soon people/kids are going to be pulling our their Myvu frames in doctor’s offices, bus rides, subway commutes, EVERYWHERE!!!

Who knows- it could happen. I remember thinking how absurd and unrealistic it was for the cast in the movie Clueless to be talking on their tiny cell phones in the school hallways…. and look at the world today. Cell phones are EVERYWHERE! Even 11 year olds have them. Maybe I’m not that far off on my prediction???


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  1. Chris says:

    Yes, I hate rolling over in bed and accidentally squishing my finance as well. Bank statements will ALWAYS leave a paper cut and credit cards will put those lines in your skin making it look like you just came back from a Vietnam tour full of napalm.

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