Too many earphones


You know you have too many earphones in one area when:

1. In response to the cell phone ringing, you attempt to answer your iPod

2. You to adjust the volume on your iPod, but when nothing occurs, you angrily attempt several other techniques such as push: “play” “stop” and “play” again… still nothing.

3. You realize (after #2) the reason you can’t hear the volume of your iPod is b/c you’re wearing your cell phone ear piece.

4. You make a call on your cell phone and as it connects, you hear nothing… then realize you’re still listening to music in your iPod earphones.

Maybe it should be Friday already?

I feel like after mixing up the earphones so many times, it’s like those times when I can’t find my car keys, but eventually figure out they’re in my hands…or can’t find my sunglasses and come to realize they’re on my head. It’s just one of those days/weeks/months…

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